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Our mission is to investigate all claims in a prompt and thorough manner then manage it with an objective of timely cost-effective closure. Services are provided with the idea that employers want their employees to receive any and all benefits due in a prompt, fair, equitable, and non-adversarial manner.
It is our belief that a succcessful claims administration program requires teamwork from all involved; the employer, medical provider/s, injured worker, claims adjuster and peripheral service providers (i.e. attorneys, private investigators, utilizations review providers, etc.) Within the framework of the team it is the claims adjuster's responsibility to ensure that efforts of all are coordinated in an efficient and effective manner.
Benefit Choices, Inc.'s multi-faceted staff of claims professionals are experienced in applying our team approach to claims administration to bring about cost effective solutions to claims. The continuous cycle of investigation, review and proactive analysis are ongoing throughout the life of a claim as it progresses from return to work, maximum medial improvement and ultimately, closure.